February 12, 1809

Born on February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln lives with his mother Nancy, his father Thomas, and his older sister Sarah in this cabin just outside of Hodgenville in Hardin County, Kentucky, for his first two years.
Pioneer Youth
Emerging Politician
Lawyer and Family Man
Republican Contender
Sixteenth President
Born on February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln lives with his mother Nancy, his father Thomas, and his older sister Sarah in this cabin just outside of Hodgenville in Hardin County, Kentucky, for his first two years.
When Abraham is two years old, his family moves to a farm on Knob Creek about 10 miles northeast of Hodgenville, Kentucky.
A third child, Thomas, is born to the Lincoln family, but dies in infancy. A headstone marked “T.L.” was found in 1933 a half mile from the family’s Knob Creek farm.
Abraham and his older sister Sarah attend school in this Kentucky schoolhouse for “short periods” of time.
Abraham falls into Knob Creek and is saved by his friend Austin Gollaher.
Thomas Lincoln moves his family from Kentucky across the Ohio River to what is now Spencer County in southern Indiana to settle along Pigeon Creek.
A few days before his eighth birthday, Abraham hunts his first game, shooting a wild turkey through a crack in the cabin wall. He never hunted again.
Young Lincoln is kicked in the head by a horse while grinding corn at Gordon’s mill. Abraham apparently did not regain consciousness until the next morning. He later calls it one of the remarkable incidents of his life.
Nancy Lincoln dies of “milk sickness” after drinking milk from a cow that had eaten a poisonous plant, the white snakeroot.
Thomas Lincoln marries widow Sarah Bush Johnston in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. The Lincoln children now have two stepsisters and a stepbrother.
Abraham attends the “blab” school kept by James Swaney for about 4 months.
Abraham attends the school of Azel Dorsey for about 6 months.
Sarah Lincoln marries neighbor Aaron Grigsby.
Eighteen-year-old Lincoln earns his first dollar by taking two men and their trunks halfway across the Ohio River so they can board a passing steamer. He later calls it “a most important incident in my life.”
Sarah Lincoln Grigsby dies in childbirth and is buried in the Pigeon Baptist Church burial ground. Abraham is devastated by the loss of his sister.
Lincoln and Allen Gentry leave from Rockport to take a flatboat loaded with cargo to New Orleans for Allen’s father. The trip takes about 3 months. In New Orleans, Lincoln sees for the first time a slave market, an experience he never forgets.
Leaving their Indiana home of almost 14 years, the Lincoln family begins the long trip to a new home in Illinois.
The Lincoln family stops 10 miles southwest of Decatur, Illinois, on the north bank of the Sangamon River. Here Abraham and his father build a log cabin and split rails to fence in their land. Later in the spring, Abraham and his stepbrother break up 15 acres of land.
Lincoln, his cousin John Hanks, and his stepbrother John D. Johnston leave home to travel to Springfield where they are hired to build a flatboat for Denton Offutt.
Lincoln makes his second flatboat trip to New Orleans and then returns to Illinois where he lives on his own for the first time in New Salem.
Lincoln votes for the first time and begins his reputation as a storyteller while lingering around the polling place to meet his neighbors.
Lincoln goes to work as a clerk in Denton Offutt’s new store in New Salem.
Offut brags about Lincoln’s strength and skill as a wrestler and sets up a wrestling match with Jack Armstrong, leader of the Clary’s Grove boys. Lincoln’s performance in the match earns him the loyalty and admiration of the Clary’s Grove boys.
Lincoln joins the newly organized debating club with James Rutledge as president.
Lincoln begins to study grammar on the advice of Mentor Graham, using Kirkham’s Grammar. He goes on to study history and literature including Shakespeare and Burns.
In his first political speech, Lincoln announces he is running for the Illinois state legislature. His platform is published in the local newspaper on March 15.
Lincoln volunteers to serve in the Black Hawk War. He and others from New Salem form a company, and Lincoln is elected captain.
Captain Lincoln’s company is mustered out of service. He then enlists in another company for 20 days.
Lincoln re-enlists for 30 days, joining Captain Early’s independent spy company at Fort Wilbourn.
Captain Early’s company is mustered out. Lincoln begins trip back to New Salem.
Lincoln, a first time candidate, is defeated in the election for a seat in the Illinois legislature.
Lincoln and William Berry purchase a store from William Greene.
Lincoln sells his interest in the store to his partner.
Lincoln is appointed postmaster of New Salem, an office he held until it was discontinued on May 30, 1836.
Lincoln makes his first known survey as deputy surveyor of Sangamon County.
Running for public office for the second time, Lincoln is elected to the Illinois House of Representatives from Sangamon County.
After the election Lincoln begins studying law with the encouragement of John T. Stuart, a fellow House member.
The sheriff takes Lincoln’s horse, saddle, bridle, and surveying equipment to be sold in payment of debts Lincoln owed. However, friends buy and return to him the surveying equipment and his horse so that he can continue to work.
William Berry dies leaving Lincoln responsible for the store partnership debt. Lincoln later refers to it as the “national debt” and pays it off over several years.
Lincoln purchases a 47-acre tract of land on the Sangamon River 12 miles northwest of New Salem.
As required in order to be admitted to the Illinois bar, Lincoln’s name is entered on the Sangamon Court record as a person of good moral character.
Lincoln is re-elected to the Illinois legislature becoming one of the “Long Nine,” a group of 9 men representing Sangamon County in the state legislature, all of whom were over 6 feet tall.
Lincoln is licensed to practice law in all courts of the state.
The bill for removal of the state capital from Vandalia to Springfield passes in the Illinois House. The Long Nine had strongly promoted this bill. The Illinois Senate approves it the next day.
Lincoln’s name is entered on the roll of attorneys in the office of the clerk of the Illinois Supreme Court.
Lincoln’s protest against an anti-abolitionist resolution passed by the House on January 20 is entered into the House Journal.
Lincoln moves to Springfield to become the law partner of John T. Stuart.
Lincoln is elected to the Illinois legislature for the third time.
Lincoln is elected to the Springfield Board of Trustees.
Lincoln begins the practice of law on the newly organized Eighth Judicial Circuit Court. He continues on the eighth circuit until his nomination for the presidency.
Lincoln is admitted to the practice of law in the United States Supreme Court.
Lincoln meets the vibrant Miss Mary Todd at a Springfield cotillion.
Lincoln argues his first case in the Illinois Supreme Court.
Lincoln is elected for the fourth time to the Illinois legislature.
Lincoln is on the electoral ticket and campaigns for William Henry Harrison for president in southern Illinois.
Lincoln breaks off his courtship of Mary Todd. He becomes very depressed and misses several days in the legislative session.
Lincoln leaves the law practice of John T. Stuart to become the junior partner of Stephen T. Logan.
Lincoln travels to Louisville, Kentucky, for a 3-week visit with his close friend Joshua Speed.
Lincoln resumes courtship of Mary Todd sometime around the middle of the year.
Lincoln declines to run again for the state legislature having already served for 8 years.
Lincoln crosses to an island in the Mississippi River, where dueling is not illegal, to duel with James Shields. With the help of friends, their differences are settled at the last minute and the duel does not take place.
Lincoln and Mary Todd are married at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Elizabeth and Ninian Edwards, with the Rev. Charles Dresser performing the ceremony.
The Lincolns’ first child, Robert Todd, is born.
The Lincoln family moves into their new home at the corner of Eighth and Jackson Streets in Springfield, Illinois.
Lincoln campaigns for Henry Clay in southern Illinois, Kentucky, and southern Indiana, stopping to speak and to visit his boyhood home near Gentryville, Indiana.
Lincoln leaves his partnership with Logan and begins a new partnership with William H. Herndon, who has just been admitted to the bar.
The Lincolns’ second child, Edward Baker, is born.
Lincoln wins the election for the House of Representatives over the Democratic candidate Rev. Peter Cartwright, making him the only Whig congressman from Illinois.
The Lincolns leave Springfield to travel to Washington, stopping in Lexington, Kentucky, for a month to visit Mrs. Lincoln’s family.
Lincoln takes his seat in the Thirtieth Congress.
Lincoln presents resolutions requesting President Polk to inform the House whether the “spot” on which American blood was first shed in the Mexican War was within territory claimed by Mexico. The resolutions were read and tabled.
Lincoln attends the Whig convention in Philadelphia where his choice, Zachary Taylor, is nominated as their presidential candidate.
Lincoln begins a ten-day speaking tour through New England accompanied by his family.
Lincoln applies for a patent on his invention—a device to float steam boats and other vessels over sandbars and other obstacles. The patent is granted on May 22.
Lincoln declines the office of secretary of the Oregon Territory offered to him by President Taylor.
Eddie Lincoln dies after being ill for almost two months.
The Lincolns’ third son, William Wallace, is born.
Lincoln’s father, Thomas, dies in Coles County, Illinois, about age 73.
Lincoln delivers a eulogy for Henry Clay, the presidential candidate for whom Lincoln campaigned in 1844.
The Lincolns’ fourth son, Thomas (later known as Tad), is born.
Lincoln is said to have used watermelon juice to christen the new town of Lincoln, which was named after him.
Lincoln is elected to the Illinois legislature but declines to take his seat in order to run in the election for the United States Senate.
Lincoln is defeated for the seat in the United States Senate.
Contractors enlarge the Lincolns’ home from one and a half stories to two full stories.
Lincoln delivers his famous “Lost Speech” at the organizational meeting of the new Republican Party in Bloomington, Illinois. As a presidential elector, Lincoln makes over 50 campaign speeches for John C. Frémont during the presidential campaign.
The first Republican National Convention convenes in Philadelphia. Lincoln receives 110 votes as a candidate for vice president of the United States.
Lincoln wins a lawsuit against the Illinois Central Railroad.
Lincoln delivers his first major speech against the Dred Scott decision in the Illinois House of Representatives.
Lincoln is nominated to run against Stephen Douglas for the U.S. Senate at the Illinois State Republican convention. Lincoln accepts and that evening delivers his “House Divided” speech.
The first of seven Lincoln-Douglas debates is held at Ottawa, Illinois.
Lincoln receives a majority of the popular votes, but loses the vote to Douglas in the legislature which elects senators.
Lincoln delivers his famous Cooper Union address in New York City.
While on a speaking tour in New Hampshire, Lincoln visits his son Robert who is attending school in Exeter, New Hampshire.
The Illinois Republican Convention meets in Decatur, Illinois. Lincoln attends and receives the nickname Rail Splitter.
The Republican National Convention in Chicago nominates Lincoln as its presidential candidate.
Robert Lincoln enrolls at Harvard University.
Lincoln receives a letter from young Grace Bedell suggesting that he grow a beard and responds to her.
Lincoln is elected as the first Republican president of the United States.
South Carolina secedes from the Union.
Lincoln visits his stepmother, Sarah Bush Lincoln, before leaving for Washington, D.C.
Lincoln boards the train bound for Washington, D.C., at the Great Western Railroad Station and gives his poignant farewell address from the rear platform.
Lincoln is inaugurated as the sixteenth president of the United States.
Fort Sumter is attacked and surrenders to the Confederate forces, marking the start of the Civil War.
Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus along the line of troop movements between Philadelphia and Washington.
Lincoln calls for increasing the regular army by ten regiments and an enlistment of 18,000 additional men for the Navy.
Lincoln communicates his war message to Congress as a formal government document.
Commander-in-chief Lincoln places General George B. McClellan in command of all Union troops.
Lincoln and Secretary of State William Seward visit the Union flotilla on the Potomac River.
Lincoln sends his annual message to Congress.
President and Mrs. Lincoln host Christmas dinner for a large number of guests.
Secretary of War Simon Cameron resigns.
Lincoln names Edwin M. Stanton as the new Secretary of War.
The Lincolns’ eleven-year-old son Willie dies after being ill for several days.
Lincoln issues two general war orders instructing McClellan to organize the Army of the Potomac into four divisions and to leave sufficient forces in and surrounding Washington to make it secure.
Lincoln visits McClellan in Alexandria, Virginia.
Lincoln travels to Fortress Monroe, Virginia, to confer with military and naval leaders.
Lincoln approves an act establishing the Department of Agriculture.
Lincoln approves the Homestead Act granting homesteads to those settlers on public domain land.
Lincoln calls for 300,000 volunteers. He also approves an act establishing a tax of 3% on incomes in excess of $600.
Lincoln approves the Morrill Land Grant College Act donating public lands to states and territories for colleges of agriculture and mechanical arts.
Lincoln appoints General Henry W. Halleck general-in-chief of all land forces.
Lincoln orders a draft of 300,000 militiamen to serve for 9 months.
McClellan’s forces stop Lee’s invasion at the Battle of Antietam (also known as Sharpsburg) in Maryland.
Lincoln announces to his cabinet his decision to issue his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which will free the slaves within any state in rebellion against the United States on January 1, 1863.
Lincoln visits General McClellan at the Army of the Potomac headquarters and tours the Antietam battlefields.
Lincoln replaces General McClellan with General Ambrose E. Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac.
Lincoln approves a bill to admit West Virginia to the Union.
Lincoln issues the final Emancipation Proclamation declaring freedom for all slaves in states in rebellion.
Lincoln approves an act establishing a system of national banks and a uniform national currency popularly known as “greenbacks.”
Lincoln proclaims the first national observance of Thanksgiving to be held on November 26.
Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He is also coming down with a mild case of smallpox while in Gettysburg.
Lincoln issues a proclamation of amnesty to Confederates who take the oath to support the United States Constitution.
Lincoln promotes Ulysses S. Grant to lieutenant general and the following day appoints him as commander of all of the armies of the United States.
The Republican Party renames itself the National Union Party and nominates Lincoln as its presidential candidate, with Andrew Johnson of Tennessee as vice-president.
Lincoln approves the act repealing the Fugitive Slave Act.
Lincoln issues a proclamation admitting Nevada into the Union.
Lincoln is re-elected president, defeating Democrat George B. McClellan.
Lincoln sends his famous letter of sympathy to Mrs. Lydia Bixby.
Lincoln approves the resolution submitting to the states the 13th Amendment, which permanently abolishes slavery in the United States.
Lincoln approves legislation establishing the Freedmen’s Bureau for the relief and support of freedpeople and poor whites in the South after the war.
Lincoln delivers his Second Inaugural Address.
Lincoln visits Richmond, Virginia, after the Confederate evacuation.
Lincoln speaks from the window of the Executive Mansion explaining his plan for restoring the Confederate states to the Union. John Wilkes Booth is in the crowd of listeners.
Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth while attending a play at Ford’s Theatre.
President Lincoln dies at 7:22 a.m. in the Petersen house located across the street from Ford’s Theatre.
The funeral services for President Lincoln are held in the White House.
The funeral train carrying President Lincoln’s casket and that of Willie leaves Washington to begin the ten-day journey to Springfield, Illinois. Funeral services are held in towns and cities along the way.
President Lincoln and his son Willie are interred in a receiving vault in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.
More than a month after Lincoln's death, Mary Todd Lincoln moves out of the White House back to Illinois and settles in Chicago.
With President Lincoln's estate being unsettled by the courts and no will, Mary Todd Lincoln asks friend Sally Orne to sell one of her elegant dresses.
At a public lecture, William Herndon claims that Ann Rutledge was Abraham Lincoln's only true love. These claims make Mary Lincoln furious and further deepen her grief.
Mary buys a stone house on W. Washington Street in Chicago using money from a Congressional donation. From this residence, Tad is able to walk to school.
The Old Clothes Scandal takes place in New York City. Mary Todd Lincoln employs long-time friend and seamstress Elizabeth Keckly to sell dresses she wore as First Lady. The press has a field day exposing Mary's desperation. Mary is ultimately publicly humiliated.
Robert Todd Lincoln weds Mary Harlan in Washington D.C. Still in mourning for her husband, Mary Todd Lincoln attends in black attire.
Mary Todd Lincoln writes Congress seeking a pension, believing that she lacks the financial resources to live in the manner appropriate for the widow of a martyred President of the United States.
Congress grants a $3,000 annual pension to Mary Todd Lincoln.
Thomas "Tad" Lincoln dies from pleurisy at age eighteen.
After Tad's death, Mary Todd Lincoln becomes more involved with spiritualism. In early 1872, she tours New England, visiting mediums and attending seances. The tour includes a visit to Boston where William H. Mumler, a known "spirit photographer," captures the widow with Lincoln's embracing spirit.
Mary Todd Lincoln writes her will, leaving her property and belongings to her son, Robert, and his children. She later destroys this will and dies intestate.
William Herndon gives a lecture claiming the late president was an atheist, quoting Mary Todd Lincoln, "... Mr. Lincoln was not a technical Christian."
Mary Todd Lincoln is judged insane during a public jury trial initiated by her son Robert. She is placed in Bellevue Sanitarium, a private institution located near Chicago, where her hostility toward Robert grows.
With help from James and Myra Bradwell, Mary is discharged from Bellevue Sanitarium. Still displaying symptoms of illness, Mary is released under direct care of her sister, Elizabeth Todd Edwards.
The Cook County Court reverses its insanity ruling. Having been "restored to reason," Mary regains her freedom and control of her estate.
To avoid public scrutiny and further public embarrassment, Mary flees to Europe. She stays for the next four years, remaining isolated from her son Robert.
The Kennally gang attempts to steal President Lincoln's body, planning to ransom it for the freedom of fellow gang member Ben Boyd. The attempt fails, and the thieves are convicted and sent to Joliet Prison.
Robert Todd Lincoln has his father secretly reburied in the tomb's basement to prevent theft.
Mary Todd Lincoln sails back to the United States on the Amerique, bound for New York City. After leaving the city, Mary returns to live with her sister Elizabeth. Mary's health declines, often restricting her to her darkened bedroom.
Robert Todd Lincoln and his daughter Mamie visit Mary Todd Lincoln in Springfield, resulting in a tentative reconciliation between mother and son.
On July 15, the anniversary of Tad's death, Mary Todd Lincoln collapses in her room at her sister Elizabeth's home in Springfield, Illinois. She dies the morning of July 16, 1882.
Mary Todd Lincoln's funeral is held at First Presbyterian Church of Springfield. She is buried in the Lincoln Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery alongside sons Eddie, Willie, and Tad. She is later moved to rest next to her husband.