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  2. Manuscripts & Documents (7,187)

Letter from Martha N. Thornton to Theodore Glancey,

Other Title:
Civil War documents collection, Union correspondence, 1863 Nov. 30.
Item ID:
Millersburg, Illinois : Martha N. Thornton, 1863.
Call Number:
PN6130 .T467 1863 NOV 30
Physical Description:
1 folded sheet ([4] pages) ; 25 cm
United States. Army. Illinois Infantry Regiment, 17th (1861-1866)
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence.
Title supplied by cataloger.; CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS TO REACH THIS DOCUMENT.; Handwritten letter dated "Millersburg, Mercer County, Illinois, Monday, November 30th 1863" and addressed to "Mr. T. Glancey, Kind Friend." Writing to a friend in the Army, Martha Thornton comments on the irritation of washday; patriotism, bravery and sacrifice of Union soldiers; news of the war; wartime politics; and local gossip.; Martha Norbury Thornton (1841-1918) was born in Millersburg, Mercer, Illinois, to Hiram Thornton and Elizabeth Frick Norbury, married John S Lutz (sometime between 1863 and 1869) and had 6 children, and died at Buffalo Prairie, Rock Island, Illinois.; Theodore Glancey (1837-1869) enlisted as a Private on 25 May 1861 at Peoria, Illinois, and was mustered into Co. I, 17th Illinois Infantry regiment on the same date. He was described at the time of enlistment as single, age 24, height 5' 9", hair brown, eyes grey, complexion light, occupation miller. His residence at the time of enlistment was Abington, Mercer County, Illinois, and he was noted as being a native of that place. He was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant in the Company on 2 April 1863 (Illinois Sec. of State reports the date as 1 June 1863), and to 1st Lieutenant at Vicksburg, MS, on 24 May 1863 (Illinois Sec. of State reports the date as 4 September 1863). He was mustered out with his regiment at Springfield, Illinois, on 4 June 1864. After the war he bacame a newpaper editor and moved to California. As the editor of the Santa Barbara Press newspaper on 25 September 1880, Glancy was shot and mortally wounded by an attorney named Clarence Gray, who was running for District Attorney. The attack was in retaliation for critical editorials about Gray that had appeared in the newspaper.
OCLC Number:
Holding Institution:
Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection, Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Available for Viewing:
By appointment only
Manuscripts & Documents