1. Category:
  2. Three-dimensional Objects (856)

The Comedy of Errors

Ford's Theatre Society
Washington, D. C.
Origin Date:
overall: 18 in x 6 in
Item ID:
Holding Institution:
Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection, courtesy of the Indiana State Museum
Available for Viewing:
Three-dimensional Objects


This print is a program for the performances of William Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors" by the NRT-at-Ford's-Theatre in Washington, D. C., from February 12 through May 18, 1968. A short note mentions that this play had previously been performed at this theatre six times in 1864. The program lists the members of the NRT Company and the characters they play in the performance. Below the lists are notices for two other performances being given at Ford's Theatre during the same time period: "John Brown's Body" and "She Stoops to Conquer, or, The Mistakes of a Night." Page two of the program includes a "Welcome" paragraph from Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall, a paragraph about the Ford's Theatre Society, information and staff names for the National Repertory Theatre Foundation and staff names for the NRT-at Ford's Theatre organization. Page three of the program gives the history of the NRT-at-Ford's Theatre organization and brief biographical information about each member of the Company. The biographical information continues on page four of the program and also includes biographical information on the directors, designers, and composers. Part of the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection, courtesy of the Indiana State Museum