• Books & Pamphlets

    The Boys’ Life of Abraham Lincoln. Books and pamphlets.

    A 20,000-item literary treasure trove on the 16th president and his times. Browse the catalog. Explore Literature

  • Photographs

    Tad and Abraham Lincoln. Photographs.

    The first photographed presidency. Get to know Lincoln and his era through this exclusive collection of photos. Explore Photographs

  • Magazines & Newspapers

    New York Herald, April 15, 1861. Magazines and articles.

    Read a selection of Lincoln-related 19th- and early 20th-century newspapers & magazines, from complete issues to clippings. Explore Articles

  • Manuscripts & Documents

    Emancipation Proclamation. Manuscripts and documents.

    Signed copies of the 13th Amendment and Emancipation Proclamation. View these historic documents. Explore Documents

  • Fine Art

    Lincoln’s last portrait from life. Fine art.

    An original: the last image of Lincoln painted from life. See other fine art pieces from the Collection. Explore Fine Art

  • Three-Dimensional Objects

    Lincoln’s inkwell. Three-dimensional objects.

    The inkwell used by Lincoln in signing the Emancipation Proclamation. Browse thousands of artifacts and objects. Explore Our Objects

  • Textiles

    Handkerchief with Mary Lincoln’s monogram. Textiles.

    Handkerchief with Mary Todd Lincoln’s monogram. Examine the rest of our textile collection. Explore Textiles

  • Cartoons, Broadsides, & Ephemera

    Cartoon including Lincoln and Stephen Douglas

    A political cartoon during the 1860 election campaign. Learn about the public’s view of Lincoln from many perspectives. Explore The Collection

  • Sheet Music

    The Battle Cry of Freedom cover. Sheet music.

    View music from Lincoln’s era including his favorites and pieces written in his honor. Explore Sheet Music

Special Announcements

  • The Rolland Center for Lincoln Research

    Now Open at the Allen County Public Library

    The Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection and the Friends of the Lincoln Collection are thrilled to announce that the Rolland Center for Lincoln Research is officially open. The Center provides a space to explore the Lincoln Collection through a variety of physical displays, digital kiosks, and even a projection room that shows collection items in 180 degrees.

    The current hours for the Rolland Center are:

    Sunday: 12 to 5

    Monday: 9 to 9

    Tuesday: 9 to 9

    Wednesday: 9 to 9

    Thursday: 9 to 9

    Friday: 9 to 6

    Saturday: 9 to 6

    If you'd like to arrange for a personal tour or have any questions, please email Lincoln@acpl.info.

  • Friends of Lincoln Collection Launches New Website


    Friends of the Lincoln Collection of Indiana, Inc., has launched a new website serving as an additional gateway to the thousands of digitized Lincoln era letters, photographs, newspapers, books and other items from the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection. In addition, it will soon post searchable archives from the more than 1900 issues of "Lincoln Lore," a nationally recognized magazine for scholarly articles, interviews, book reviews, and announcements of local and national Lincoln-related programs and events. The site will also offer other items of interest, including links to Collection items displayed in the Fine Book Room of the Allen County Public Library; online exhibits; dozens of viewable Lincoln presentations at the library; and educational support from resident Lincoln historians.

    Read More

  • See the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection on Social Media

    Find us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr

    View items from the collection, learn about Lincoln and his times, and connect with other Lincoln enthusiasts through the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection's social media pages on Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr. Just follow the links at the bottom of any page on the website!